Food Research Center

The concept of a food research foundation is more than just the discovering of new information about food. In this foundation, food is the medium for solving problems. Creativity is at the core of what the foundation does. The foundation teams up with other companies and groups to work collaboratively in order to solve problems. The goal of these projects is to question our understanding of something and push the boundaries of the unknown.

The outreach that the foundation has is much broader than just the culinary world. The team has partnered up with artist, architects, and poets (to name a few). All working under one roof allows for different viewpoints to be heard and ideas to be tackled in a more well rounded sense. Their is to change the way the world thinks. Ferran Adria, the mastermind behind the project, believes that we should change our mindset in order to broaden our perspective of the world. Although the foundation’s main focus of research is directed at food, their philosophy extends itself into the every day. All projects that come through the foundation will be archived and presented to the public in a museum attached to their workspace. Another way that the foundation is able to connect with the public is by hosting events that let the viewer experience their research and findings.

I am interested in this topic because I think that collaboration feeds progress and that sharing ideas is important for being creative.